July 20, 2016
As we are all aware, the UK electorate has voted in the recent Referendum to leave the European Union (EU). What does this mean? What implications will it have for you, your investors and your business? It is early days in the process but we set out below what is currently happening, the processes involved…
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March 18, 2016
Following the Foreign Investment Review Board’s (FIRB) updated foreign investment policy (effective 1 December 2015), which coincided with the introduction of mandatory fees for foreign investors, the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia announced on 22 February 2016 new conditions for all foreign investment applications in Australia to ensure that companies, and their ‘associates’ (as…
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February 2, 2016
On 17 September 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union (‘CJEU’) rendered its decision in the case F.E. Familienprivatstiftung Eisenstadt (C-589/13) concerning the Austrian system of interim taxation of national private foundations in the case of profit allocations made to non-resident beneficiaries. The CJEU held that the unfavorable treatment of private foundations which…
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November 11, 2015
Jordan’s new Income tax law number (34) of the year 2014 (published in the official gazette) is put in force as of January 1, 2015. Major changes included in the new tax law related to capital market gains are the following: The new tax law included some changes regarding the withholding tax related to income from…
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October 27, 2015
As the number of acquisitions and management buy-outs appears to be on the rise in the UK, Evette Orams, Managing Director of Hilton-Baird Financial Solutions, explores the reasons behind an interesting shift in the financial composition of those deals. News that the UK boasted the fastest growing economy of all the G7 countries in both…
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