March 1, 2021

A Dash Cam provides irrefutable video evidence to protect you against false accusations after an incident, road rage, drunk drivers, and insurance fraud. This video footage can also be used as evidence to help remove sly drivers off the roads and protecting everyone on the other hand. The new advancements like dash cams, body cam glasses,…
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March 21, 2017

Organised crime costs the UK more than £24 billion each year – that’s £1 a day per citizen. The fact that criminals are using the services of legal professionals in order to try to hide the origins of their illicit funds is nothing new, but there are important questions that solicitors must ask themselves to…
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October 17, 2016

In recent years, the English courts have seen a number of claims by sovereign states against former public figures alleging bribery, corruption and other crimes. Although the facts of these disputes usually have little to do with England or English law, proceedings in England are popular both to take advantage of our respected legal system…
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October 10, 2016

The fight for responsible accountability, good governance which is against corruption can only be strengthened if the information held by responsible authorities is more readily available. The result of relaxing the obstructing tight mechanisms that prevent the access of information would create a more transparent system of administration. It is remarkable and broadly accepted by…
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July 1, 2016

In May 2012, the Ministry of Justice consultation paper on deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs) identified the difficulties that prosecutors in the UK face with the law of corporate criminal liability and stressed that more needed to be done. Historically, corporate criminal liability in the UK has been difficult to successfully prosecute. The “identification principle” in…
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