November 9, 2015
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently ruled that the US Safe Harbor agreement, which allowed the safe transfer of European citizens’ data to US companies, is no longer valid, placing many multinationals in murky water. The 15-year-old data transfer agreement between the EU and the US allowed multinational companies such as Google, Microsoft and…
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July 29, 2015
The proposed General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been a subject of discussion for so long that the only people maintaining an interest in it are the lawyers. But where does it leave the companies who will be impacted by this legislation? It is likely that any given company’s approach to the new rulings will…
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November 18, 2014
The Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has released new guidance on the provisions of Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) dealing with the installation of computer programs. The installation of computer program provisions will come into force in just over two months’ time on January 15, 2015. The good news is that the CRTC appears to confirm…
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November 18, 2014
On September 30, 2014, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law AB 1710, a bill which expands California’s existing data breach laws. As we discuss in further detail below, the new laws introduce substantive requirements to California’s current data breach law by: (1) prohibiting the sale, advertisement or offer to sell an individual’s social security…
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November 18, 2014
Editor’s Note: We recently launched a graphic illustrating our Cyber Risk Mitigation Services. This week, our attorneys will be writing about specific examples of those services. With the rise of the global economy and the reach of the Internet, many businesses now have customers and data from around the world, if not offices and employees in…
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